It is with great sadness that the passing of Raymond Buckland (Aug. 31, 1934 - Sept. 27, 2017) has been announced officially by his wife Tara, she announced, "Ray died of a failing heart on Wednesday evening but his death was painless. He was in the hospital awaiting a procedure that would have possibly been of help when he felt a flutter and then lost consciousness There was no pulse. Hospital staff worked for about 40 minutes to bring him back and then let him go. That was it. I am grateful for the ease of it but of course am deeply saddened by the loss."

Ray was an accomplished writer and his "Big Blue Book" was one of the very first books I bought when I was a teenager seeking the Craft. Little did I know that one day he would be part of my Craft Lineage. He wrote over 50 books on paganism and various occult subjects.
A List of books and videos Authored by Buckland include:
A Pocket Guide to the Supernatural, NY: 1969, 1975, UK: 1970, 1973
Practical Candleburning Rituals, 1970, 1976, 1982, 2004
Witchcraft Ancient and Modern House of Collectibles, NY: 1970
Witchcraft From the Inside, 1971, 1975 (new, revised, expanded) 1995
Mu Revealed (pseudonym Tony Earll), NY: 1970, 1972
Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World (with Hereward Carrington), NJ: 1975, NY: 1976
The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft Samuel Weiser, 1974, 1978, 2005
Here Is the Occult House of Collectibles, NY: 1974
Anatomy of the Occult Weiser, ME: 1977
The Magic of Chant-O-Matics, NJ: 1978, NY: 1980
Practical Color Magick, MN: 1983 2nd edition 2002
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, MN: 1986; 2nd Edition: 2002
Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling, MN: 1988
Buckland Gypsy Fortunetelling Deck, MN: 1989
Gypsy Fortunetelling Layout Sheet, MN: 1989
Secrets of Gypsy Love Magick, 1990
Secrets of Gypsy Dream Reading, 1990
Scottish Witchcraft, MN: 1991
The Book of African Divination (with Kathleen Binger), VT: 1992
Doors to Other Worlds, MN: 1993
The Truth About Spirit Communication, MN: 1995
La Verdad Sobre La Comunicacion Con Los Espiritus, MN: 1995
Ray Buckland's Magic Cauldron, MN: 1995
Rituales Precticos Con Velas, MN: 1996
Buckland Gypsies' Domino Divination Cards, MN: 1995
Advanced Candle Magic, MN: 1996
Witchcraft Yesterday and Today (video), MN: 1990 [DVD version - 2005]
Gypsy Fortune Telling Tarot Kit, MN: 1998
Gypsy Witchcraft and Magic, MN: 1998
Gypsy Dream Dictionary, MN: 1999
Coin Divination, MN: 2000
Buckland Romani Tarot Deck & Book, MN: 2001
Wicca For Life (Hardcover) NY: 2001
The Witch Book, NY: 2001
Wicca—Practicas Y Principios De La Brujeria, MN: 2001
El Lenguaje De Las Moneda, MN: 2002
The Fortune-Telling Book, Detroit: 2003
Signs, Symbols and Omens, MN: 2003
Cards of Alchymy Llewellyn, MN: 2003
Wicca For One, NY: 2004
Buckland's Book Of Spirit Communications, MN: 2004
The Spirit Book, Detroit: 2005
DVD: Witchcraft—Rebirth Of The Old Religion, MN: 2005
Mediumship and Spirit Communication, Ohio: 2005
Paranormal Poetry & Prose, OH: 2013

Ray is responsible for bringing Gardnerian Craft to the United States with his wife at the time, he eventually left Gardnerian Craft and started a tradition called Seax-Wica.
One of Ray's legacies that he was proud of was the museum he had started in the 1960s. This museum was responsible for introducing many people to the Craft. Recently this museum was revitalized as Buckland Gallery of Witchcraft and Magick and is located in Ohio. (www.bucklandmuseum.org)
Rest in peace Raymond Buckland and thank you for what you did for the Craft. We all owe you a debt of gratitude that are following the path of the Wica aka Wicca.

Si is a Gardnerian High Priest and Minos in the Minoan Brotherhood operating in Flagler County, FL. A practitioner of various kinds of witchcraft since adolescence, he now runs Mandragora Magika, creates occult art, grows all kinds of plants but mostly in love with the poisonous variety. Si holds a degree in Graphic Design from the Art Institute.