Renowned Witch, Sybil Leek was born on February 22nd 1922 (or 1917 according to her funeral card and the Astro Databank) in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Sybil claimed to descend from a line of Witches and was pretty public with her claims of Witchcraft. She told the London's Daily Express, published Thursday February 20th, 1964: "I am a white witch and come from a line of white witches, who exist only to do good." After the loss of her first husband she moved to the New Forest area of England, where she was the HPS of the Horsa Coven. The New Forest area was a hotbed for the resurgence of Witchcraft at the time. Sybil was known in that area as not only an antique dealer but a bit of an eccentric, carrying a Jackdaw named Mr. Hotfoot Jackson around on her left shoulder (supposedly his preferred perch). She eventually moved to the US in 1964.

"I am fair, fat, 40, and living the life of a starlet..."

1966: “Witches Not All Bad, Says Dame"
Rossell Hope Robbins kept this newspaper clipping of an interview with journalist/healer/witch Dame Sybil Leek, along with others he collected and was sent, in his archives on witchcraft.
1964: “Spell Casting Witch on TO TELL THE TRUTH"
Sybil was quite the character and made many public appearances. Here is a video where she appeared on To Tell The Truth.
One of her greatest loves was astrology, this can be seen in her writing. Herself a Pisces she truly traversed the creative waters of the written word. I was recently in touch with Thorn Nightwind who shared these fantastic images of Astrology items in his Sybil Leek collection.

Photo of Sybil Leek's Astrology Puzzle

Photo of the early 1970 re-done astrology course, Course 1 Leek and Charles Luntz offered them through her Astrology Schools, Astrology Dynamics. Charles Luntz was the President of the St Louis Theosophical Society.

Photo of Sybil Leek's Astrology Journals

Photo of Sybil Leek's Astrological Delineations: Your Birthsign And Your Music
Sybil Leek was a prolific author and wrote over 60 books on everything from curses to telepathy. Below is an incomplete list of her work.

Photo of the author's Sybil Leek book collection
A Shop in the High Street, 1964
Mr. Hotfoot Jackson, 1965
The Jackdaw and the Witch: A True Fable, 1966
The Astrological Cookbook, 1968
The Diary of A Witch, 1968
Numerology: The Magic of Numbers, 1969
The Sybil Leek Book of Fortune Telling, 1969
The Tree That Conquered the World, 1969
Cast Your Own Spell, 1970
How to Be Your Own Astrologer, 1970
Sybil Leek's Astrological Guide To Successful Everyday Living, 1970
Phrenology, the Key to Limitless Understanding of Character And Personality As Revealed By The Configurations And Regions Of The Head, 1970
Telepathy: The Respectable Phenomenon, 1971
My Life in Astrology, 1972
Astrological Guide to The Presidential Candidates, 1972
The Astrological Guide to Financial Success, 1972
ESP the Magic Within You, 1972
Sybil Leek's Book of Herbs, 1973
The Bicycle--That Curious Invention, 1973
The Complete Art of Witchcraft, 1973
The Story of Faith Healing, 1973
Tomorrow's Headlines Today, 1974
Reincarnation: The Second Chance, 1974
Sybil Leek's Zodiac of Love, 1974
Tomorrow's Headlines Today, 1974
The Best Of Sybil Leek, 1974
Herbs: Medicine & Mysticism, 1975
Sybil Leek's Book Of Curses, 1975
Driving Out the Devils: An Exorcist's Casebook, 1975
Zodiac of Love, 1975
A Ring of Magic Islands, 1976
The Assassination Chain, 1976
The Night Voyagers: You and Your Dreams, 1976
Sybil Leek's Book of The Curious And The Occult, 1976
Inside Bellevue, 1976
The Night Voyagers: You and Your A Dreams, 1976
Moon Signs, 1977
Astrology and Love, 1981

Photo of the Sybil Leek's Obituary
She lived out the remainder of her days in Indialantic, FL (close to Melbourne) where she died just before Samhain, October 26, 1982 at the age of 60 (or 65 depending on what birth date you believe) to cancer. She was survived by two sons.
I spent all of my childhood vacations in Melbourne with my Grandmother, I only wish I had the chance to meet this grand dame of Witchcraft! I have no idea how I missed this cape wearing Witch! Sybil is now part of the weird wonders of Florida.

1963: Sybil Leek on the Halloween Sabbat, on the BBC

The Supernatural, Douglas Hill and Pat Williams, 1965
Astro Databank
The New York Times, Oct. 29, 1982
London's Daily Express, published Thursday February 20th, 1964
The Boston Sunday Globe - March 8, 1964

Si is a Gardnerian High Priest and Minos in the Minoan Brotherhood operating in Flagler County, FL. A practitioner of various kinds of witchcraft since adolescence, he now runs Mandragora Magika, creates occult art, grows all kinds of plants but mostly in love with the poisonous variety. Si holds a degree in Graphic Design from the Art Institute.