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WitchLife Post WitchVox: More on Finding a Coven and Resources

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

On December 31st, 2019 The Witches' Voice (aka WitchVox) closed up shop. It had been a staple for the Wiccan, Witchcraft and Pagan communities for 23 years. The site featured fantastic article after article, and so much content it would be impossible to absorb it all. So many of us have networked with people using this platform that it’s shocking that those pages might not be available. I can’t tell you how many people we heard say “I found my Coven on WitchVox!” And that is true! I also found the Coven I joined so many years ago there.

WitchVox supplied a lot more content than just networking groups and people but that was the part that so many feared seeing disappear. Just try using a search engine and type in “Coven in your area” and WitchVox will likely be within the first couple match-ups. (Currently those listings are still searchable).

As soon as the announcement was made, I wondered how I might help people continue to find others in their area. I’m a graphic designer and I have some background with the web etc. Is it even necessary in today’s day when websites are so easy to make and deal with? Surely most groups have some kind of web presence between websites and social media? No one will be able to replace WitchVox and I surely don’t have that kind of ambition or know-how, I’m just one guy. The consensus between friends was that people still needed a place to list resources for seekers.

I have owned Mandragora Magika for years, I made it originally as a place to put some of my art and occasionally blog things that interest me. I figured why not use it to let those people that feel they might need it, list their groups, stores, blogs and other resources? After discussing some of the issues that might arise with people I trust (you all know who you are, thank you) I decided to give it a go.

I dove deep into the back end of the site and started making pages and writing SEO for them so that Google will have plenty of time to crawl the site’s new content. (still waiting on that!!) It will be a while before we move up in Google ranking but I hope we do as time goes on. The success of that will also rely on people sharing and word of mouth.

At the time of writing this we have groups listed in 33 US States as well as Countries like Australia, Chile, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Serbia, South America and Switzerland!!! Representing traditions such as Heathen, Pagan, Gala Tradition, Eclectic Wiccan and Pagan, Kingstone, Central Valley Wicca, Gardnerian, Alexandrian, LuxUmbrian Witchcraft, Minoan Brotherhood and Sisterhood, Welsh Witchcraft, Druidry, Greencraft, New York Wica Tradition, .K.A.M., Blue Star, Artemisian Tradition of Witchcraft, Divine Feminine, Horsa Tradition & Sacred Pentagraph Tradition, Hecatean and more!

As mentioned earlier Mandragora Magika is not even remotely trying to replace WitchVox as that is impossible. Our goal is to be “A Witch’s Compendium” of sorts that will make a place that seekers may find groups in their area, or other valuable resources like websites, stores, blogs etc. It will likely evolve as time goes on as do all things in life, but that is where we are at now.

Do you want to add your group or media? There are forms on these pages at the bottom of each page so that you can add your info! Read Our Disclaimer

In the end, I am sad to see WitchVox go and give thanks to all the countless hours, dedication and devotion of Wren Walker, Fritz Jung, Peg Aloi, Diotima Mantineia and Christina Aubin. Thank you for your years of service to the communities represented by your site. You can still find them on social media as the Facebook profile will stay up and working!

I wish you all a brightly lit path! Si, Mandragora Magika



Si is a Gardnerian High Priest and Minos in the Minoan Brotherhood operating in Flagler County, FL. A practitioner of various kinds of witchcraft since adolescence, he now runs Mandragora Magika, creates occult art, grows all kinds of plants but mostly in love with the poisonous variety. Si holds a degree in Graphic Design from the Art Institute.

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I see there's nothing in South Dakota right now?? Has there been any more from this state looking to connect.... I'm a baby witch just starting out.... Looking for like minded people

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